
& i'm going to enjoy every moments (:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

DAY 6 090312010- Performance!

Studied for like about 2 hours as the afternoon lesson is being postponed to tomorrow due to performance!

Learn squares yesterday and circles today.

Collect laundry and went for lunch.ZHA JIANG MIAN! :D

The black triad in Wuhan!

Went for light shopping after our lunch and bought some mask; strawberry flavored! Bought DVD (Down With Love) which cost only 8 RMB! Bought some snacks for 5 RMB and a curler which cost ONLY 49.70 RMB! (est S$10) cheap cheap cheap!

After that, we headed back to our hostel and try out the curler! COOL eh! our hair really looks like we went to the salon and perm! Maybe should buy one back to SG and perm till i happy (:

Bits and parts of rehearsal, but there is no sufficient time. Went to lecture hall situated at West-5-3. WOW! Quite a lot of students though the room is quite small.
BE division from NP performed just one song: love story. I though their performance will be quite similar to us, presenting and showing them something about SG. But overall is not bad.
Below the picture is one of the China female student singing JJ Lin song: 背对背拥抱, and the audience are swaying along with the music. :D

Next is our next to perform! MDE division! :D

One of the China class singing a song for us.

They dancing nobody by wondergirls ! cool and compatible!
Photo-taking session!

P/s: They said that this guy looks like Korean! But he doesn't seems like he was very willing to take photo with us ):

Zhi Long, Me and Chao ran. The jokers!
US! cool eh! :D

1S03! We simply rocks!

Group E! Daryl, Soonling, Meixiu, Me and Sihao!

After our performance, they played some games. Each of the division is to send two representative and play a game. The China students have to act out according to the words on the projector the representatives have to guess it.

Next, they played another game, zhong ji mi ma. But it was not as fun as they only played one round due to the time constraint. Nevertheless, we did enjoy ourselves.

The performance ended at around 9pm, so we went to the streets and have our dinner. We ate porridge and it is quite nice! Salted egg is nice! *thumbs up*

Went back to the hostel with the girls while the guys continue walk around in the streets.
Bathe and done some blogging. Chit chat with my room mates, Jean and Meixiu cause their internet are down! hahahas! :D
Lights off at around 2am.

In overall, i really did enjoy myself tonight, as the performance was a great success though we didn't have a proper rehearsal. I'm proud of all the 21 MDE student which include myself for putting up such a great show! *claps claps* The china local student also did their best to stage up a good performance for us, and they did. :D
I learn that even though we, the 21 of us, from different courses,classes and years, might not know each other, but we can cooperate and coordinate so well! COOL! This is the spirit! yay! Nights people!

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