
& i'm going to enjoy every moments (:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

DAY 15 18032010- P DAY !

Woke up at the usual same time; a daily routine. Wash up and and pack all the stuffs needed for presentation later on ! Before leaving, our group leader said that the date of the Gantt chart does not tally; cannot do anything much but to present what we have now.

Reached the class at around 9.02am. Lucky we are not late :)

Presentation time! Some of our classmates request Miss Neo to give us another 10 minutes. Draw lots to determine who to present first. Our group was lined in the second group.

After which, we quickly clear up our stuffs and make add-on to the PowerPoint slides.

Presented our project and i think not bad? :D Surprisingly, I'm not very nervous when presenting ; though my voice is still a bit gentle.

Below are some of the pictures taken during the presentation :D

Our leader, Si Hao presenting !

Our "mascot"

After presentation, teacher given us additional of one day to make changes to our project.

Collect our laundry, and off we go for lunch!

Went to shopping mall (Shang Pin Mao) in the bread van.

Reached there in no time and decided to have pizza for lunch! Found seats in pizza and ordered our food.
Ordered three large pizzas, one small, deserts and drinks. Did not know that their portion is so big!

Some pictures:

Had a bill of about 581 RMB which is about SGD S$116 ! Though it sounds very expensive, but it is considered cheap as u cannot get such large portion of food in SG for S$116! Satisfied and proceed to Wal-mart.

Shopped for food/drinks for cruise the following day! Spent around 250 RMB on food :/

Went back to hostel after spending about 4 hours there. Cabbed back.

Did not have a proper dinner as the pizza have not really digested :/ Bought sushi and strawberry milk tea while my friends bought some desert! Went to the guys room and had our dinner there. Joke around for a while before serious work come.

Bathed and went to do project. The Gantt Chart seriously make us mad. Just cannot get the date right! But lucky there are people to ask. Asked Eline and Fathullah. It seems that i'm a bit useless because Si Hao is the one that who did a lot of brain storming. Wonder how much brain juice he used. :/ Nevertheless, i still did some work! Finally finished at around 12.10am.

Bejeweled awhile. Packed our stuff for the cruise trip the following day! Was quite excited for it :D

Facial mask with Eline and Hazel after that! Strawberry Mask! The weather here makes our skin super dry ! The scene of us putting the mask while lying on the guy's bed so was funny!
Watched some movies after that. REC 2 halfway and the guys said that it was boring. But i think is quite scary :/. American Pie next. Not bad. Quite humorous :D Some fell asleep while watching. So did not really ton and had a 2 hours sleep.

After all, although the presentation today was quite alright, but i think we should complete it as soon as the project was given to us instead of rushing it and amending it just before the presentation day. I think the project would be done much more better if we started early. But nevertheless, everybody tried their best. Happy to have a cooperative team :D

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