
& i'm going to enjoy every moments (:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

DAY 14 17032010 - Project!

Did not go jogging today because I have muscle aches! Went to class and had lessons. I have learn about project control today. The concept is quite easy to understand so I think is fun! :D

Had practical test today. I thought that Ms Neo will give us the question paper and we will do individually on our laptops. But we were wrong! We were quite shock to heard that we must show her how we do the steps on her laptop ONE BY ONE! First time I have this occurrence. It is a good experience! The quiz is not as difficult as I thought too! Though I am a little nervous at that point of time:/ Got full marks for the quiz! YAY :D

After which, we left for lunch with the guys while some of our classmates are still having their quiz. Lunched outside school at Pala burger! Super filling and tasty! Everything will taste nice if you are hungry :/ RIGHT PAMELA!

Backed to classroom and took 30 minutes nap :/ because the starting time of the next lesson is 1.30pm! Nobody informed us :(
Did not know that there is shaker fries, kimchi flavor from MacDonald’s! Shall try it again next time!

Start our next lesson at 1.30pm. Tutorial and then projects!
Project project and still project till around 4 plus and off for badminton!
Changed into sports attire and off we go! Eline and I wore FBT! Cool!

Found a court, and the guys bought a net. But the net cannot be used because there is only one standing pole! Joker!

Played a few rounds and took some photos.

Before having dinner, SH have some new ideas for the project. Went out last minute and try to find the stuff that we need. Took cab and ask around where to buy the stuffs (masks; mascot), but none of them knew. So we try our luck. Finally found a shop at Jian She Er Lu! Bought masks, and all the stuffs needed :D lucky!

Bought MacDonald for dinner. Flag for cab back to the hostel, but the cabs are always not available when you need them in point of time! Waited awhile. The cab fare here is quite cheap with a starting fare of around 6RMB which is equivalent to SGD $1 !

Having dinner while doing project :/ Statement of Work, Work Breakdown structure, powerpoint slide and AON. Finally complete by around 11.30pm! Rest well and prepare for the presentation tomorrow!

Overall, i think that the people around here place their health in the first place. Firstly, before the break of dawn, there will be many people in the park exercising, regardless of age and gender. I even saw an old man doing pull up! It is amazing to see that he could actually do it! Next, there are also a lot of people playing sports like table tennis, basketball and badminton, especially in the evening. Thus, this show us that they take their health very seriously and would want to lead a healthy lifestyle. Not only this, those yearly events such as the Beijing Olympics or ASEAN games, China will always be topped. This show us that in order to achieve good results, hard work have to be put in, whenever and whatever it takes.

1 comment:

  1. No worries, year 1 only, U still have time to UP your GPA :DD
    I like ur pictures!! Really looked like overseas students!! HAHA. The scenery is so different from spore! Much nicer. The grass is always greener on the other side. LOL. Take care!
