
& i'm going to enjoy every moments (:

Sunday, March 28, 2010

DAY 25 28032010- Up Up Up to Wu Dang Shan!

We will be climbing the Wu Dang Mountain today! This is my first time climbing mountain, a little excited~ I woke up after Charmaine is done with her wash up. I guess it's around 6 am(:
All of us got ready by 7am and off for breakfast! Before going for breakfast, some of our friends and Miss Neo borrowed our toilets as their power tripped. Hurried over to the 餐厅 and settle down. Had our breakfast and getting ready to climb! But before that, we went to check out and assemble at the main lobby for some briefing. We were told that the climbing process of going up and down takes around 5 hours. I wonder how high is the mountain :?Almost everyone went for the climb except for those who are not feeling well, which is minority.

The morning air is very refreshing and cold~ But the tour guide told me that i am actually wearing too much :/
For the first few minutes, we were enjoying ourselves, talking, laughing and taking photos on the way, but after that, none of us really talked as i think by that time, we were perspiring and conserving energy to climb.

After climbing for some time, Charmaine could not take it anymore, so she gave up climbing and took a rest at the sheltered area near the shops. Eline, Hazel and I perserve and continued climbing! We were drained up when we reached the next resting area, which is not even 1/3 of the whole journey! But we are determined to climb up the mountain.

Hundreds and hundreds of stairs. Look at this people! For the sake of worshiping at the temple, they would do anything for it for the exchange of being bless.

Was separated with Eline and Hazel, but managed to reach the golden summit with Tee Li! It was like finally! :D Waited for the rest before the going in.
The scenery and the air is super good up there! Clean and refreshing~ Explore the place and took some photos!

Seeing this picture really makes my blood boil! Can u see i got a "new sister"? We were queuing up to take a picture with the sculpture behind, but look, these people just cut the queue whenever they like! Didnt really bother much and took the picture with her :/

Look at the bars! They will turn gold upon the rising sun! Cool isn't it?

We also saw a lot of people throwing coins up the roof. I think that it is a belief that you would be bless and stay up at high position if the coin did not fall down from the roof? There are also people buying locks engraved with their name and date and locked it with the chain along the stairs. Perhaps these are also some of the reasons explaining why there are so many people!

After the exploring and taking of pictures, its time to go back. It will take another few hours to walk down the mountain. Can you imagine that?! We had some rest situated near the golden summit and met up with the rest! They were eating and replenishing their energy for the climbing down!

Some of the workers sitting on the sedan waiting for business. Some of our friends wanted to try, but it is too costly :/

The process of climbing down the stairs is not as tired as climbing up, but our knees hurt! Hazel and I were shaking :/ After a few hours, we are back! Took group photos which marks the end of our golden summit journey! :D

But when we reach the foot of the mountain, we were behind our schedule as one group is very late. Our lunch was held back and one of the teacher said that we only have 10 minutes to get our lunch done. So, we rushed to the restaurants and gobble our food quickly. We did not manage to eat a lot due to the time constraint, so we went to the nearby convenience store to grab something for our 5 hour long journey! Rest a little in the bus, black jack and slack. We reached our dormitory only at 2100, and due to the late lunch we have, we did not have our dinner (; Shall have an early rest tonight ! nights~

Overall, i am proud of myself for climbing up the golden summit! Though i have thoughts of giving up half-way, but i saw many people, who are so much older than i am, carrying all the incense and offerings, really make me have second thoughts. They can do it, why can't i?
The workers carrying the sedan also increase my strength of will as i saw them sweating profusely, carrying passengers which weighs more than 70kilograms, and they did not give up! This also shows me that for the sake of money to provide for their family, they have to persevere! Moreover, i believe that the shop vendors here did not really have a good life as i saw many of them snatching business. They sure have a lot of competition here.
About us being delay in the noon, i hope that this would not affect the reputation of Singaporean, or the NP, being slow and steady. Alright! All i have to say that today's trip was a good one! If we have the chance to conquer Mount Everest, we will! Right girls? :D

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