
& i'm going to enjoy every moments (:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

DAY 41 13042010- Back to Singapore!

It's 7am in the morning. Woke up with a heavy heart. Did not have a good sleep the previous night because we are leaving! Check and did the final packing up and headed towards the guy's room. Was suppose to have breakfast with our local students, but due to some delay, we did not manage to. They were afraid that we will go hungry through our journey, so they bought some little snacks for us to chew in bus.
Thoughtful aren't they? :) Took some pictures before leaving. This time, we are really leaving!

They helped us with our luggage and we bid goodbyes with hugs and tears. We will still contact each other right! It's not end of the world (:

The journey to Wu Han airport took an hour, so we took a nap on bus. It is freezing cold when we alighted from the bus! Took our individual luggage and proceed to check in! Weigh our luggage at the closed counter and mine is still over 30kg?! Had to take out some stuffs! We were relieved when we were told that our luggage will be sent fro Wuhan directly to Singapore. But something crop up and we have to re check-in at GuangZhou! This delayed our flight for so long! Took some pictures!

Reached Singapore at 10.30pm when the initial time was suppose to be 8.45pm. Was glad to see my family and friends after 41 days in Wuhan! :D Headed home straight as both my parents were working and I'm not feeling well :/ Ciao!

In all, i would like to commerce my feelings and thoughts i have for the trip. When we first reached Wuhan,i still remember vividly that my friends and i was counting down the number of days to go home, but slowly, we are so used to the things here. The people , the food, the place, the transport. Wuhan is just like another home to us! Everything we do ought to leave some memories; unforgettable memories.

Shopping trips
Roller coaster and viking rides.
Performance Night with MDE.
Visiting various attractions with my lovely 03.
Being high during KTV session.
Exercising in the cold.
Sacrificing sleep for project.
Mugging for tests.
Birthday celebrations.
Hairstylist who style our hair.
The food in the backstreet.
The time the 12 of us spent together.

My dear friends who are in Wuhan, i will not forget you guys! Meng Jie, Chao Ran, Xiang Hua, Sun Jing, Ji Long and Xu Ke :D Not forgetting my lovely o3! Hazel, Eline, Charmaine, Si Hao, Noor and Fathullah! You guys really make my day in WuHan! Love you all! ♥

I will remember the every little thing i have done in Wuhan and i have not regretted signing up for this trip. This trip not only enable me to become more independent, i also gain lots of new experiences. If i have another chance to go for another trip, i will definitely sign up for it. :D

1 comment:

  1. U sick arh? Okay alrdy? haha. I like ur curls! LOL. Nice! :D
    School started alrdy for you! haha. Must meet up if free or during next hols, very long never see u le.
