
& i'm going to enjoy every moments (:

Thursday, April 1, 2010

DAY 29 01042010- Practical Test And Shopping Spree!

We had practical test which starts at 10am today! A little nervous and anxious as Miss Neo mentioned that the test is not very easy :/ Had some practice the previous night, but did some last minute studying in the morning.Jean and Mei Xiu woke up early to do some studying and practicing too. We are so hardworking! :p

Went to class and wow! Teacher had already arranged the tables and chairs for us! I did not know that teacher will be so strict to us though it is practical :/ The test was a little tricky and i redo twice :x Hope that i can score well as i did not really score well for my class test and this practical test has quite a high weightage too. We had lunch at the nearby restaurant which is 派乐汉堡 again. As usual, the entire fastfood restaurant, we are the only customers. I wonder why there isn't much people patronizing as the food are quite appealing. Weird. After lunch, we collected our laundry and went back to class for our last lesson, which is chapter 9, teams and diversity. We went told to sit in groups and write some good points which describe our group members, see how much do we really understand one another :D We also include and discuss what are the essential factors which makes up a good team.

Lesson ended quite early today and therefore, we decided to go 江汉路 again! Six of us went, without Si Hao. Fathullah brought us around, trying the food that we did not try before! Nice! :D It is rare to see a Malay guy bringing his Chinese friends in China to try the variety of food! *Thumbs Up*

We walked around ATM again and surprisingly, the guys actually shopped longer than us! They can stay inside the same particular store for around one and a half hours? choosing and picking and trying on the different designs of clothes! One word to describe them; Powerful! And of course everyone did their shopping and bought at least something! Happy :D

We took a group picture outside the shopping mall and this is the time where something bad happened. One of the guys realized that we are short of one shopping bag. After checking and confirming the stuffs, one bag with two tees were missing, and its Fathullah's. We searched around and thought of any possibilities of where did we misplace the bag, but we just cannot find that missing bag. There is no point crying over split milk, and the situation at that time was real bad. Everyone was silent throughout the journey :/

The atmosphere was still tense when we reached our hostel, perhaps letting Fathullah cool down was the best solution.
Since we reached our hostel so late and there isn't any sufficient time for us to buy our dinner, we could only have sausages for our dinner. Nice! :D Happy April's Fool people, nights~

Overall, what we learned today about teams and diversity is very useful and important for us as we must recognize the need for teams and not to be a solo worker all the time. We also learn about the different elements of a successful team and how to overcome the barriers when working in a team. Therefore, having a good leader and team is still the key to success.
Today is April Fool's Day and without some jokes or pranks, it is not fun at all. However, this April Fool's is not fun at all, no jokes or pranks, but in exchange of sadness and frustrations. The missing bag of clothes really make us devastated as it is meant as a gift for someone. It really took some time, and of course, money to choose and buy these clothes. There is no point fussy over this issue, but to be really careful the next time.

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