
& i'm going to enjoy every moments (:

Saturday, April 10, 2010

DAY 38 10042010 - Another day of wasting money~

Firstly, Happy birthday Joshua! :D
Today is another free day, so we decided to go shopping again. Perhaps it is also the last shopping day as we are left with only 2 days ( to be exact) in Wu Han, and we were supposed to pack and weigh our luggage by Monday as Miss Neo was afraid that most of our luggage will be over 30 kilograms. The five of us met up with the local students and decided to print the class tee today. We went to several places to look for the shop, but no valid. Hence, we decided to give up the idea of printing tee for them in Wu Han. Perhaps we will make back in Singapore.

We shopped around KUAI LE station and bought a lot of things! I spend around 450RMB solely at that place! Hazel spent a lot there too! Charmaine was worse than us! (Y) Only Eline and Noor did not shop. Went to ATM to meet SH and Fathullah, and we went for dinner while both them them shopped around 步行街. Had dinner at KFC!

After which, we continued our shopping at 步行街! Spend around 700RMB today! I suppose what i bought today all can fit into my luggage, right? :/
Shall end here and started packing my luggage! Ciao~

Overall, i think that it is hard to earn any profit working at 步行街 as i remembered when we entered one particular store, the store owner thought that we were not buying any of his clothes and he offered the price lower than the usual price to us! Money are hard to earn for them yet we are squandering money :/

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