
& i'm going to enjoy every moments (:

Monday, April 5, 2010

DAY 33 05042010- Preparation for Final Project!

Another day of lesson. Miss Neo had covered all the lectures, and so today, we did some past year papers; Project Management 2009. The paper was alright as i managed to do most of them. But Miss Neo said that our examination paper might not be as easy as this :/ Had to do some early revision! After the whole class complete the paper, teacher go through the paper with us, spotting the questions where mistakes are commonly made by students. Supposingly, we had to return in the noon to complete another past year paper; Project Management 2010. But majority of them, which included us, wanted to spend our afternoon doing the last minute touch up of our project. Of course Miss Neo allowed! Thank you! :D

After which, we went for lunch and once again, replenish our little snack box! We did project for the whole day, from noon till dinner time. We only manage to rest during dinner time, which is around 8 plus. After that, we continue with our project. Done the video by 3am and the final touch up of the report by SH around 4-5am i guess, because i fell asleep while doing my script :/ Shall endure for just few more hours before we are free ! :D Nights people~

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