
& i'm going to enjoy every moments (:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

DAY 35 07042010- Interaction Day + YES I DO!

Today is suppose to be a free day for everyone! But there was a last minute changes and we were to visit the New WUST which is 黄家湖校区, it was built in the year 2005 and it looks much bigger than the campus we are staying in now! The bus journey from our campus to the New Campus took more than an hour.
When we arrived, what amazed us was the huge crowd standing at the entrance. They gave us a warm welcome and we were to pick a card from the person-in-charge.

I got the number 23! The student leader that will be guiding me is called 张敏, Maggie. She is a year one student from WUST, specialized under foreign language-English. She is very friendly too! I feel very comfortable with her :D
First program of the day, we were led to a lecture hall and have some interaction. There are some introduction followed by some performances by the students from WUST and NP! :D

Next, we were brought to the library and it is huge! We were brought to a gallery, show casing the history of their school. There is a guide, which i suppose she is one of the students here, explaining their history in detail. Well said!

We went to 南园餐厅 for lunch. Their canteen have escalators and is way bigger compared to 青山区! 张敏 was so polite and wanting to pay my meal, so in exchange, i treated her bubble tea :D

After lunch, we took a stroll to 北园. Along the way, we chatted a little, telling each other more about ourselves and our country. We also watched an on-going basketball match. The people are very supportive of their own class as half way through, some of the student leaders are cheering for their classes.
Next was interaction! We stroll back to the basketball court at 南园! We were brief on what to do, and the game begin! The first interaction we played involved ourselves and our personal student leaders. We were to transfer the volleyball to the opposite side, interlocking our hands to prevent the ball from falling off. It's like some games that FOC will play. Ha. But it was fun as you can see the smile on everyone faces. :D Another game was using of chopsticks, holding on to the ping-pong ball without dropping. This is also testing your chopstick skill! Didn't get to play, and my chopstick skill fail! :/ Some of the pictures while playing the games :D

My student leader! MAGGIE, Zhang Min :D
Last but not least, the last place we went was The Central Laboratory of Basic Medical Sciences. I though it was a typical laboratory for students to do experiments, but it was more than that! The exhibits of the animals and human organs are all real ! Although i am a biology student, but there are some i cannot really take it :/ Moreover, Eline was making me more afraid!

The laboratory marks the end of this trip. We took photos with our student leaders and bid them good bye. We left at around 4pm as they still have lessons. Reached school at around 5.30pm, went back to the hostel and put down our stuffs before leaving for 光谷广场 for our free hair treatment! Headed for dinner after our treatment. Had MacDonald's with Hazel and Charmaine, as the rest separated from us. We were boy crazy! :D
This is my hairstylist and he is only 20 years old! Cool attitude!

This is Hazel's hairstylist, he is only 22!

Overall, i feel that although today's interaction with the students from 黄家湖校区 was a little last minute, but lucky it is being planned because it was great! This gave us an opportunity to interact with other china students as it allowed us to learn different things from them. I also got to know their lifestyle, education system and how they are educated here. The students are very friendly as they will try to start a conversation with you, asking every little thing about you, preventing any awkwardness. The games organized also help to pull the bond between my partner and i closer. Although we only met each other for less than 6 hours, but i would like to say a big thank you to her! I will always remember her! :D

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