
& i'm going to enjoy every moments (:

Saturday, April 3, 2010

DAY 31 03042010- Museum, Picnic at Dong Hu and YES I DO~

It is a Saturday, but we still have to meet at 8.30am for the Museum visit and the Dong Hu trip!
We are suppose to wake up at 6.30am to prepare the food for picnic, but we overslept till Hazel called us! Washed up quickly and went over to the girls' room and prepare the food. We made egg sandwiches and sausages! Surprisingly, we made the food with just merely spoons, boiler and paper bowls! :D
We were once late again due to all the preparation and had to pay the fine again :/ But luckily, Si Hao helped us to pay half of it! Thanks! :D

First, we went to the museum, which i saw previously, many people are queuing to get in. Excited to go in as i really like visiting museums! :D The bus journey was quite a long one and we reached the museum around 9.30am. We are not suppose to bring in any liquefied stuff, which i am not sure why. At the entrance, there are several securities and a checkpoint, checking our belongings. I wonder did we went to the airport or museum!
Explore the museum and went to several sections, the museum is huge! But we were only given one and a half hours, obviously, i think there is insufficient time for me to explore the entire museum ): We only managed to walked around the second level of the museum, leaving the third level untouched:/ I just wish that we can have more time in the museum!
Some of the pictures in the museum (:

Took some photos while waiting for other people to gather.

After which, we proceed to 东湖, which is only a five minutes bus ride from the museum. Excited too! Picnic just rocks! i remember the last picnic i have with my friends was like last year at East Coast Park! :D Everybody came prepared. We laid our mat and started to spread our food and tidbits. After which, everybody started eating. The sandwiches and sausages are delicious! Good job girls! :D

Sat down , eat and chat for about one hour, we packed our things and decided to tour around. We are told not to play or touch any water activities as it is very dangerous. I don't really intend to because i can't swim :/
We saw a mini theme park there and decided to play some of the games there. But before that, the three guys saw go-kart and wanted to play. One round around the track cost 10 RMB. Look how happy they are !
Eline and i bought a wind mill each. Pretty right!
Took some of the rides, played some games and took some pictures in the park.

Time pass super fast! We will sure be late if we walked back, so in order not to pay the fine again, all of us ran to the entrance and met up with the rest. Tired :/

A picture with our tour guide! Thanks for touring us around for all the attractions! Btw, her name is Candy if i am not wrong :D
Reached our hostel at around 2.30pm. Discussed what to do for the rest of the day. Si Hao said that he wanted to change his hairstyle, so all of us decided to change our hairstyle too! Took the bread van and went to 光谷. Searched for the salon for some time, and decided to call Mei Xiu to reconfirm the location. Finally found it! The salon YES I DO, 椰岛造型.

This is the first time i saw a salon that look so grand! Even Jean Yip in Singapore don't look so grand! There are also a lot of hairdressers and hair stylist too! The shop was filled with customers and we have to share seats with other people. Perhaps the salon do not want to lose any customer due to the insufficient seats there. Hazel and i was hesitating whether to perm our hair as both of us have the same problem; we were afraid that we will regret :/ But due to the price there, we decided to give a try!

Not only the salon looks beautiful and grand, the hair stylist look quite handsome too! :D The hairstylist that helped me cut and style my hair has a cool attitude! There is also one assistant assisting him. We spent 4 hours in that salon! By the time we left, it like around 9pm already. Our makeover :DD

We bought our dinner from the back street, collected the cake and back to hostel. Did some planning for Tan Si Hao because it's his birthday in less than 2 hours! We met up with the local students at Eline's room and discuss what we going to do later. Alright, i have to do my part by asking SH to stay in my room and do project! Update again! :D

Overall, time pass super fast especially when we are enjoying ourselves; the museum and Dong Hu trip :D This are also the last attractions we will be going as a class, and we will be on our own till the day we go back to Singapore.

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