
& i'm going to enjoy every moments (:

Friday, April 2, 2010

DAY 30 02042010 - Visit to Coca Cola factory~

It is the first time we had our industrial visit so early! It is even earlier than our usual lesson timing. We are supposed to meet at our study block at 8.30am, but the four of us were late due to some issues we have to settle in the morning. We also bought breakfast on the way and had to pay the fine of 10 RMB :( The bus journey to Coca-cola factory took an hour, so we took a short nap in bus.

We took some pictures before entering the factory.

The factory look kind of empty when we first entered. It seems like it is a public holiday with no workers. A short video clip were shown to us, regarding the history of Coca-Cola, following by a mini quiz.
Next, we went to the gallery and the person-in-charge talk to us more about their company.
The main purpose of this Coca-Cola trip was suppose to show us how they are manufactured, bottled and packaged. But what we got to see was the workers cleaning up the machineries. Wonderful isn't it?

We then left for the exhibition hall which showcased all the coca-cola stuffs.

Pretty isn't it? :D
After taking some group pictures and exploring around, we left the place. But before leaving, someone said that there is free coca-cola. So some of us ran back and took one each, some took more than one! Funny~
When we reached back to school, it is only 12pm, so we decided to stay in our hostel and do whatever that are needed to be done. Blog, project and of course rest! We took a last group photo before dismiss.
We bought our lunch from the back street as usual and watched our drama! Doing project later! Ciao~

Overall, i think this trip is not a very fruitful one as we did not manage to see the full processing or manufacturing of Coca-cola. It really dampen our mood when we saw the workers cleaning the machineries. But it is still great that we can enter the factory and the working areas, as not all people are entitled with this opportunity.

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