
& i'm going to enjoy every moments (:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

DAY 41 13042010- Back to Singapore!

It's 7am in the morning. Woke up with a heavy heart. Did not have a good sleep the previous night because we are leaving! Check and did the final packing up and headed towards the guy's room. Was suppose to have breakfast with our local students, but due to some delay, we did not manage to. They were afraid that we will go hungry through our journey, so they bought some little snacks for us to chew in bus.
Thoughtful aren't they? :) Took some pictures before leaving. This time, we are really leaving!

They helped us with our luggage and we bid goodbyes with hugs and tears. We will still contact each other right! It's not end of the world (:

The journey to Wu Han airport took an hour, so we took a nap on bus. It is freezing cold when we alighted from the bus! Took our individual luggage and proceed to check in! Weigh our luggage at the closed counter and mine is still over 30kg?! Had to take out some stuffs! We were relieved when we were told that our luggage will be sent fro Wuhan directly to Singapore. But something crop up and we have to re check-in at GuangZhou! This delayed our flight for so long! Took some pictures!

Reached Singapore at 10.30pm when the initial time was suppose to be 8.45pm. Was glad to see my family and friends after 41 days in Wuhan! :D Headed home straight as both my parents were working and I'm not feeling well :/ Ciao!

In all, i would like to commerce my feelings and thoughts i have for the trip. When we first reached Wuhan,i still remember vividly that my friends and i was counting down the number of days to go home, but slowly, we are so used to the things here. The people , the food, the place, the transport. Wuhan is just like another home to us! Everything we do ought to leave some memories; unforgettable memories.

Shopping trips
Roller coaster and viking rides.
Performance Night with MDE.
Visiting various attractions with my lovely 03.
Being high during KTV session.
Exercising in the cold.
Sacrificing sleep for project.
Mugging for tests.
Birthday celebrations.
Hairstylist who style our hair.
The food in the backstreet.
The time the 12 of us spent together.

My dear friends who are in Wuhan, i will not forget you guys! Meng Jie, Chao Ran, Xiang Hua, Sun Jing, Ji Long and Xu Ke :D Not forgetting my lovely o3! Hazel, Eline, Charmaine, Si Hao, Noor and Fathullah! You guys really make my day in WuHan! Love you all! ♥

I will remember the every little thing i have done in Wuhan and i have not regretted signing up for this trip. This trip not only enable me to become more independent, i also gain lots of new experiences. If i have another chance to go for another trip, i will definitely sign up for it. :D

Monday, April 12, 2010

DAY 40 12042010- Last Day in Wuhan :(

Last day, before we are leaving Wuhan. Meet up with our group mates at around 10am as some of us overslept :/
We took some pictures and videos, and we explored the WUST campus for the last time. I did not realize that actually there are places in the campus that look so beautiful! Really should try out and explore every little new places or things. After all our project discussion, wanting to go Wal-Mart and buy some pocky, but everyone was busy doing projects while SH was doing some task assign by Miss Neo; so the trip was canceled.

Done the finally packing up as Tee Li will be checking our rooms at 12.30 and we will be weighing our luggages in no time! Every group took turns to weigh their luggage and SH was beside, recording the weight. Finally our group's turn, the last group! All of our luggages were over 30 kilograms except for SH and Daryl! OMG! Mine weigh 35.5kg! Shock ttm~ When everything was done, we went back to our respectitive rooms.

Bought lunch from the back street and Miss Neo asked for the people who's luggage is over by more than 2 kg, into her room. There were five of us :/ We then went back and repack everything :x

After a long time of packing, finally mine weight 30Kg! Hoho~ Went to the shopping mall at 建设二路 as SH wanted to buy a Nike bag. Bought a pack of sweets later and we stroll back to our dormitory.

After the shopping trip, we met up with Miss Wong, our Mathematics teacher last semester! While waiting for her, we saw our local students as some of them just ended their lessons. Chatted a little and took some photos with them. The seven of us, together with Miss Neo, went to her house. Her house was just five minutes walk from the campus.

Her house was comfy and spacious, with a television of her own, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. It is considered good in China! But Miss Wong don't think that way; i bet she missed her own apartment in Singapore! After which, we left for dinner at the nearby restaurant and it's Miss Wong's treat! Thank you :D
The food was delicious!

Eline, Noor, Hazel and i head back to our hostel while the rest went to 步行街 for the final final final shopping! Done some washing up and writing of the cards for our local friends (: They came to Hazel's room at around 9pm, and guess what? They made something for us ! At that point of time, we really couldn't control our tears :( You guys just rocks!

Went to the guy's room and all of us chatted and crying at the same time, with our local friends. :( Then, SH, Noor Charmaine and I went out to the backstreet and bought all the nice food back! It's last day already, so we decided to have a mini feast of backstreet food! I think i will miss it when i am back in Singapore.

Last dinner. Last gathering with local friends. Last time in hostel. Last night in Wuhan.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

DAY 39 11042010- Starbucks!

Another day doing project; IS video. Wanted to take some pictures outside, but the trip was canceled because it is raining!

Stayed inside the room and do some blogging till past 6. Si Hao wanted to go back YES I DO as he said that his curl are gone. So, Charmaine, Hazel and i accompanied him back while Eline, Noor and Fathullah continue doing their project. Bought dinner on the way and took the bread car there!

Charmaine and SH went in the salon to make their hair while Hazel and I shopped again! We spent money again x.x We went back shortly after; both of them only had a hair wash there! Had a last good bye with the hair stylist and proceed to Starbucks! The pastry taste good! :D I think Starbucks is the only place that i got to see Caucasians.

Headed back to the hostel and started with my packing! Hohoho. I think it is unlikely that my luggage would be over 30kilograms as when i came Wu Han, it was only 17 kilograms! :D Alrights, ciao~

Overall, i think the salon YES I DO provide a very good service as they will asked their customers if they are satisfied with their hairstyle, if not they will redo for them. They will also serve drinks and some little snacks if they knew that you will be doing your hair for quite some time. Of course they will chat with you occasionally to keep you occupied.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

DAY 38 10042010 - Another day of wasting money~

Firstly, Happy birthday Joshua! :D
Today is another free day, so we decided to go shopping again. Perhaps it is also the last shopping day as we are left with only 2 days ( to be exact) in Wu Han, and we were supposed to pack and weigh our luggage by Monday as Miss Neo was afraid that most of our luggage will be over 30 kilograms. The five of us met up with the local students and decided to print the class tee today. We went to several places to look for the shop, but no valid. Hence, we decided to give up the idea of printing tee for them in Wu Han. Perhaps we will make back in Singapore.

We shopped around KUAI LE station and bought a lot of things! I spend around 450RMB solely at that place! Hazel spent a lot there too! Charmaine was worse than us! (Y) Only Eline and Noor did not shop. Went to ATM to meet SH and Fathullah, and we went for dinner while both them them shopped around 步行街. Had dinner at KFC!

After which, we continued our shopping at 步行街! Spend around 700RMB today! I suppose what i bought today all can fit into my luggage, right? :/
Shall end here and started packing my luggage! Ciao~

Overall, i think that it is hard to earn any profit working at 步行街 as i remembered when we entered one particular store, the store owner thought that we were not buying any of his clothes and he offered the price lower than the usual price to us! Money are hard to earn for them yet we are squandering money :/

Friday, April 9, 2010

DAY 37 09042010- Friendly Match + Farewell Dinner!

Had Macdonald's breakfast in the morning! Thanks Eline for buying! :D There was a friendly match between the Singapore and the China students. The players involved includes Si Hao, Wen Jie, Daryl, Noor, Fathullah and Wei Qin. We were quite shock to see that there are many supporters at the China side although it is just a friendly match, some were even holding a flag of their school, whereas at our side, there were only a few of us :/

When we knew the players in the other team, all of us were stunned. Their height totally own us :/ Although i should have more confidence in our team, but i saw the way they play and dribble the ball, i doubt there is any chance of winning. The game began shortly and the China team kept scoring:/ But after some time, someone from our side finally score! :D But, it also marks the starting of accidents. First was Wen Jie; he was knocked down by the tallest guy in the team, and he laid flat on his back. All of us were shocked and worried about him as the the falling impact was quite big. Somehow i can feel his pain :/ But luckily, he was alright and continued with the game. But after 15 minutes, the second accident occurred. This time, it was Si Hao. He sprained his ankle! i think his case is worse than Wen Jie as he laid on the floor in pain. Ouch~

The game stopped and SH was send to the nearby hospital; Eline and some of the local students accompanied him. Shortly, the game resume and our opponent seems to slacken abit as i guess they are giving us chance to score. The last score i knew was 20-4:/ Two other year 2 WUST student joined our team, which really boost up their confidence.

Finally the game ended and they took some pictures with them.

After which, they headed back to the hostel to rest and wash up. We wanted to go back and rest too, but we realized that none of us have our room keys as all are with Eline! So, we sat at the basketball court and continue to watch the next match while Hazel went for her run. Called Eline at around 1pm and realized that they were inside the dorm already, so we went back after loitering for so long at the basketball court! Lucky that SH is alright, take care eh!

After which, we had our lunch and went back our room. Went for a game of badminton as we only played ONCE! Headed towards the badminton court and today there were not much people playing! At first, we though we were lucky, but we ended up keeping our rackets and went back to our hostel. Thanks to the wind! Spoiler to the max! We then prepare for the dinner at night with our local friends! :D

Gathered at the main building at 5.30pm and took group photos with the local students! We then stroll to the restaurant which is just opposite the school compound. Had fun laughing and cracking jokes with them once again :DD

The dinner started by sending representatives from each division, giving a speech, and of course, some prize giving for the WUST staffs! The dinner was a great one, nice food with nice people around (: Fathullah was not feeling very well, so we went back to our hostel immediately after the dinner ended. SH, Noor, Fathullah and Charmaine took a cab back while the rest of us walked back. Got separated from some of the local students as they were amazed by an on-going party held there.

After some resting, we were relief when Fathullah said that he was hungry, perhaps it was just indigestion. Noor was like a father, packing the room and looking after SH and fathullah and even bought bubble tea for all of us! (y). Tonight was a great dinner indeed!

Overall, what they have mentioned in the speech was that the local students have made us feel so homely even though we are in China, so that we would not be home sick. They are also good hosts to us, bringing us around the different parts of China, be it shopping, touring or playing :D Therefore, i feel that the dinner treat today is a very meaningful one, not only this is one way to express our appreciation to our local friends, but also a nice proper meal with them, leaving another good memory of us and them in Wu Han.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

DAY 36 08042010- Shopping, Manicure, Eat

Woke up at around 10.30 and prepare to go shopping! Mei Xiu said that i am chionging already, went out to shop so early! I really got the shopping spree feelingggggggg~ Took bus 702 to 光谷广场 ! We mentioned that we shall have the last meal of Pizza Hut before we leave as we wanted to try the pastas. Had Pizza today! :D

After which, we walked and get anything we wanted as it is probably the last time we will go there, and of course, take a peep of YES I DO :/ Bought a lot of stuffs there and decided to do our nails at 江汉路 ! Took cab there and it's rather expensive, a fare of 57.30RMB.
Found the manicure shop and they brought us to their office as they do not have enough helpers there.
In the process of making our nails:

It was almost 8pm when i am done with my nails, thank you for waiting for me! :D Went to ATM as SH wanted to buy contacts, but he need some experts like Charmaine or Hazel to choose for him. They then proceed to 步行街 to shop while Hazel and i walked around at ATM. Bought some stuff for my family while Hazel bought the skirt/dress which she wanted for quite some time! A fruitful trip today, but i am spending money like i own a bank :/

Overall, i think the shop owners here don't really care if you take photos in their shop and you can haggle the prices here, be it in shopping malls or the street, this is something special that you cannot find in Singapore.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

DAY 35 07042010- Interaction Day + YES I DO!

Today is suppose to be a free day for everyone! But there was a last minute changes and we were to visit the New WUST which is 黄家湖校区, it was built in the year 2005 and it looks much bigger than the campus we are staying in now! The bus journey from our campus to the New Campus took more than an hour.
When we arrived, what amazed us was the huge crowd standing at the entrance. They gave us a warm welcome and we were to pick a card from the person-in-charge.

I got the number 23! The student leader that will be guiding me is called 张敏, Maggie. She is a year one student from WUST, specialized under foreign language-English. She is very friendly too! I feel very comfortable with her :D
First program of the day, we were led to a lecture hall and have some interaction. There are some introduction followed by some performances by the students from WUST and NP! :D

Next, we were brought to the library and it is huge! We were brought to a gallery, show casing the history of their school. There is a guide, which i suppose she is one of the students here, explaining their history in detail. Well said!

We went to 南园餐厅 for lunch. Their canteen have escalators and is way bigger compared to 青山区! 张敏 was so polite and wanting to pay my meal, so in exchange, i treated her bubble tea :D

After lunch, we took a stroll to 北园. Along the way, we chatted a little, telling each other more about ourselves and our country. We also watched an on-going basketball match. The people are very supportive of their own class as half way through, some of the student leaders are cheering for their classes.
Next was interaction! We stroll back to the basketball court at 南园! We were brief on what to do, and the game begin! The first interaction we played involved ourselves and our personal student leaders. We were to transfer the volleyball to the opposite side, interlocking our hands to prevent the ball from falling off. It's like some games that FOC will play. Ha. But it was fun as you can see the smile on everyone faces. :D Another game was using of chopsticks, holding on to the ping-pong ball without dropping. This is also testing your chopstick skill! Didn't get to play, and my chopstick skill fail! :/ Some of the pictures while playing the games :D

My student leader! MAGGIE, Zhang Min :D
Last but not least, the last place we went was The Central Laboratory of Basic Medical Sciences. I though it was a typical laboratory for students to do experiments, but it was more than that! The exhibits of the animals and human organs are all real ! Although i am a biology student, but there are some i cannot really take it :/ Moreover, Eline was making me more afraid!

The laboratory marks the end of this trip. We took photos with our student leaders and bid them good bye. We left at around 4pm as they still have lessons. Reached school at around 5.30pm, went back to the hostel and put down our stuffs before leaving for 光谷广场 for our free hair treatment! Headed for dinner after our treatment. Had MacDonald's with Hazel and Charmaine, as the rest separated from us. We were boy crazy! :D
This is my hairstylist and he is only 20 years old! Cool attitude!

This is Hazel's hairstylist, he is only 22!

Overall, i feel that although today's interaction with the students from 黄家湖校区 was a little last minute, but lucky it is being planned because it was great! This gave us an opportunity to interact with other china students as it allowed us to learn different things from them. I also got to know their lifestyle, education system and how they are educated here. The students are very friendly as they will try to start a conversation with you, asking every little thing about you, preventing any awkwardness. The games organized also help to pull the bond between my partner and i closer. Although we only met each other for less than 6 hours, but i would like to say a big thank you to her! I will always remember her! :D